Chapter 26:3 – Cnidarians – Microslide Lab – The Hydra

  1. According to Greek mythology, Hercules cut off the head of a monster called The Hydra, and
  2. each time he cut off one of the heads, a new one grew back. What process explains why the heads grew back?



    Slide #1

  3. Describe the shape of the hydra. ______________________________________________________
  4. __________________________________________________________________________________

  5. The mouth of the hydra is found at the base of the tentacles, explain why this is a positive
  6. adaptation for the hydra.


  7. Name the structure that anchors the hydra to a solid surface. _____________________________
  8. How many tentacles does this hydra have? ______________________
  9. Name two functions of the tentacles. 1)_______________________, 2)_______________________
  10. Draw and color-code the hydra. (5 pts., mouth, basal attachment disk, tentacles and body)












    Slide #2

  12. How do the tentacles exhibit "division of labor"? _______________________________________
  13. __________________________________________________________________________________

  14. Name the specialized cells that are found in the tentacles of the hydra. ______________________
  15. The hydra cannot produce its own food, so it is a ___________________________________.
  16. Explain the four-step process of food getting for the hydra. 1)_________________________,
  17. 2)_________________________, 3)_________________________, 4)_________________________

  18. Give an educated guess as to why a nematocyst can only be use once. _______________________
  19. __________________________________________________________________________________


    Slide #3

  20. Give the scientific name for both the mouth and anus of the hydra. _________________________
  21. Explain how the food is taken to the mouth of the hydra. _________________________________
  22. __________________________________________________________________________________

  23. Animals in the group called Coelenterates have this characteristic. _________________________
  24. __________________________________________________________________________________

  25. What is the name for the cavity where the worm is being digested? ________________________
  26. Slide #4

  27. The outer layer of cells in the hydra is called? __________________, inner? _________________
  28. Explain why diffusion works for the hydra. ____________________________________________
  29. __________________________________________________________________________________

  30. Name the three systems of the hydra that are replaced by diffusion. 1)____________________,
  31. 2)____________________, 3)_____________________

  32. Explain how the nerve cell net functions like a system in the hydra. ________________________
  33. __________________________________________________________________________________

    Slide #5

  34. Gland cells produce ___________________________ in order to begin digestion in the hydra.
  35. What organelle of the cell completes digestion in the hydra. ______________________________
  36. Explain the process of phagocytosis. __________________________________________________
  37. __________________________________________________________________________________

  38. Explain why digestion in the hydra is extracellular. ______________________________________
  39. __________________________________________________________________________________

  40. Explain why digestion in the hydra is intracellular. ______________________________________
  41. __________________________________________________________________________________

  42. Draw and color-code the different layers of cells of the hydra, include the two specialized cells of the endoderm. (5 pts.)







    Slide #6

  44. Name the structure used for sexual reproduction shown on this slide. _______________________
  45. Name the structure used for asexual reproduction shown on this slide. ______________________
  46. Name the gamete produced by this hydra. ________________________________

    Slide #7

  48. Name the sexual organ shown on this hydra. _______________________________
  49. Name the gamete produced in this female. _____________________________
  50. How many eggs are ready for fertilization in slide seven. __________________________
  51. What conclusion can you make from the fact that both the male and female can reproduce by budding.
  52. _______________________________________________________________________


  53. Draw and color-code a male or female hydra with a mature bud. (3 pts.)








    Slide #8

  55. How many sperm are needed to fertilize a mature hydra egg? _____________________________
  56. Explain how cell division works in the fertilized egg. _____________________________________
  57. __________________________________________________________________________________

  58. Discuss the stages of development between the fertilized egg and mature adult. ______________

